Free Recipes

All recipes from No Wheat No Dairy No Problem are my own creations – and my intellectual property, all rights reserved and registered with the United States Copyright Office. Please do not publish or use my recipes/work without my permission or use it for any other reason than personal consumption.

Some Immune Boosting Recipes!

Immune Boosting Hot Tonic(not water)

 This is so good alongside your Hormone Balancing Truffles or just for a morning tea or afternoon pick me up!

You will feel a difference in a short time of enjoying this Healing Tonic! Healthy can feel decadent and taste delicious! To our health! Cheers!  

3/4 cup hot plant based milk or water(unsweetened and no preservatives, refrigerated is better than boxed and homemade is ideal)

3/4 cup boiling filtered water

1/4-1/2 tsp. Each Powdered herb of your choice below. I do suggest you have a consultation with me or a Naturopath or Acupuncturist to determine which one are best for you. Herbs are powerful and you want to use them properly. Also, if you decide to try them on your own, try only one at a time for a week to see how you feel and notice any changes and document it. You can buy organic herbs at your local health food store or online. I use Thrive Market (please use this referral link and free memberships are available if needed), and Mountain Rose Herbs or Rebeccas Herbs in Boulder Colorado.

Reishi: Immune, Lungs, Kidney, Liver & Heart good in Fall/Winter, dispels phlegm/respiratory. Known as the Queen of Immune support.

Chaga: Immune, organs/glands, balances energy and appetite. Known as the King of Immune support.

Cordyceps: Increases oxygen uptake! Increases: stamina, energy & endurance. Great for high altitudes where it was discovered in Tibet!

Rhodiola: Adrenal and lung support. Increases energy.

Ashwagandha: Adaptogenic, Adrenals and balanced energy for fatigue. This is a nightshade so do not use it if you have achy joints or any Arthritis as it can cause increased pain.

Astragalus: immune, liver, energy, lung, anemia, cold & flu

Optional: 2 TBSP. Unsweetened cocoa powder or 2 tsp. organic turmeric powder or fresh

Optional: 1-2 tsp. Raw local honey or real maple syrup or a few drops liquid stevia. No Agave as it congests the liver! 

1. Heat filtered water or plant based milk to a simmer. You can add a little coconut milk into a hot water version for creaminess. If you have a high powered blender like a Vitamix or Blendtec, you can skip this step and use the hot beverage or high speed to create the heat. 

2. Put all ingredients into a blender and blend until frothy.

3. Enjoy! 

Note: you can use a hand frother. You can make this iced too, use refrigerated filtered water. 


You may also like to add these healing, delicious recipes to your meals! Enjoy!

Lemon & Garlic Tahini Dressing

Pour dressing over Bowl of quinoa, or your favorite grain* or Cauliflower Rice, and organic vegetables. It’s also great over green salad, or as a veggie dip. Every bite will transport you to a field of lemons!

Yields: 2 cups


1/2-3/4 cup organic lemon juice(Meyer or Eureka), freshly squeezed

1/4 cup filtered water

1/3-1/2 cup organic sesame tahini

1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil

1 tsp.  Himalayan salt

2 garlic cloves, pressed or minced

1/2  bunch flat organic parsley(can use another herb in addition or instead). Parsley is packed with chlorophyll and a great detoxer and deodorizer.

ground black pepper to taste 


Put ingredients in order listed into a high powered blender. Blend just until smooth and creamy with flecks of parsley. Will keep in the refrigerator 1 week. 


Lime Cilantro Dressing: use 1/3 cup lime juice in place of lemon and cilantro(chelator/detox) in place of parsley

*Gluten-free Grains that provide essential amino acids which build muscle and protein! They are essential because our bodies do not make them on its own, so we must eat them.

*Gluten-free Grains(buy organic and sprouted when available: Rice, Quinoa, Millet, Amaranth, Buckwheat. Try some new ones and see if you find a new fave! Use your rice cooker!

Pureed Vegetable Soup

This is so fast and easy. When I was in culinary school I was a private chef and the couple wanted to have soup every night, so I found an easy way to make small amounts! You don’t have to puree the vegetables since it makes a nice chunky soup if you prefer. Serve with a slice of Gluten-free toast with vegan butter or vegan cream cheese.

Yields: serves 2

1 teaspoon Avocado or extra virgin olive oil, optional

¼ cup diced onion, optional

2 cups organic fresh or frozen vegetables, diced (peas, squash, corn, broccoli, cauliflower etc…)

3-4 cups chicken or vegetable stock or filtered water

1 teaspoon fresh chopped herbs, optional (thyme, oregano, parsley, sage, tarragon, basil)

Himalayan salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

In a 2 quart sauce pot, sauté onion in Avocado oil until translucent. Add a single vegetable of your choice and stock or water. Bring to a boil over high heat. Simmer over low heat until vegetables are fork tender. Pour into a blender or use a hand stick blender and blend starting on low speed and gradually increasing to high speed. Be sure to hold the lid down with a kitchen towel to be sure the steam doesn’t push the lid off! Add fresh herbs. Taste for seasoning and adjust to your own taste. For a silky smooth soup, strain through a fine mesh sieve, but it is not necessary. I like it best strained.

My favorite combinations:

peas and tarragon or mint

squash and sage

organic corn and thyme

broccoli and basil add 1 cup cooked rice or potatoes to make it more creamy

carrot and parsley or carrot and ginger

Cauliflower and Basil or Cumin or Curry

For a cold soup, blend all ingredients in a blender. I like Persian Cucumber & Avocado with Dill and coconut yogurt.

You can also add an avocado for a creamer texture and some healthy fat which will help you feel full longer.

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” Hippocrates

You can order No Wheat No Dairy No Problem Cookbook on this website for 150 more recipes! Makes a great gift!

15 thoughts on “Free Recipes

  1. Pingback: Happy St. Patricks, Easter & Passover! | NO WHEAT, NO DAIRY, NO PROBLEM!

  2. Pingback: Happy Easter & Passover! | NO WHEAT, NO DAIRY, NO PROBLEM!

  3. Pingback: Happy Valentine’s Day! | NO WHEAT, NO DAIRY, NO PROBLEM!

  4. hi…im looking for dairy free and also cane sugar free recipes for my one year old daughter as she has an intolorance to both…cheers

    • Hi Kim,

      You can use my cookbook when she starts eating solid foods. Until then I would buy a good baby food cookbook or just make organic pureed vegetables for her. If she has a lot of food allergies, I urge you to get her under the care of a good Naturopathic Doctor who has a 4 year degree in it. If you are from Australia contact Dr. Rodney Ford in New Zealand. He is the best and a leading expert on gluten and food allergies.

  5. I thought eating gluten free meant no flour or anything with wheat/gluten, but your chili recipe has flour and also beer in it which both contain wheat/gluten??

  6. Hi Lauren,
    Mu husband and I met you and bought your book at the Campbell Farmers Mkt. this past Sunday.
    Since we’re fast approaching Thanksgiving day I’m wondering if you have a recipe for gluten free stuffing that’s worth making. In fact, any Thanksgiving dish recipes would be appreciated.
    Thanks, Kathleen

    • Kathleen,
      Yes, there are two stuffing recipes in my cookbook-cornbread or regular that can be made with Gluten free bread-see pages110, 117. I made the cornbread stuffing in a cooking class I taught yesterday and everyone loved it. This week I will be posting a guide for menu planning for Thanksgiving so everyone can enjoy the holiday without being overwhelmed or overworked on T-day! Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving, Lauren Hoover

  7. Hello,
    These recipes look wonderful! I am very allergic to dairy also can not eat wheat/gluten so I’m always looking for alternatives that won’t leave me unsatisfied. I am so happy to find your website. I will be getting the book for sure! My question to you is, do you have a newsletter to subscribe to for info and more recipes??? One that can be emailed regularly? Just wondering… Thank you for bringing hope to us allergy folk!

    • Dear Izabella,

      Thank you for the positive feedback. My mission is to help. You can come onto my blogsite and click on orange button subscribe in a reader. Or email me and request that I add you to my data base. I send out weekly emails of updates. I post a new article and recipe of the week once per week. Enjoy the cookbook and let us know how you are enjoying it. In the meantime, come onto the blog and get the Pumpkin Cheesecake with Gingersnap Crust-this week. P.S. I do remove the recipe of the week each week, so get it while it is up. Be Well, Lauren

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